Technology Consulting

AI Strategy    Operations    Marketing

Trusted by Fortune 100 companies and startups

Driving INNOVATION for Over 20 Years

We propel your business into the future through innovative AI strategies, streamlined operations, dynamic marketing, and proven growth techniques.

Our clients span from seed-stage startups to Fortune 100 companies. Our team consistently delivers the expertise you need to achieve remarkable changes and sustainable success.

Why TIFF Technology Consulting?

Proven Track Record

Our portfolio includes Fortune 100 industry leaders like: Wells Fargo, Microsoft, AOl, Bechtel, Sun Microsystems, Xerox, and over 100 technology startups in various industries.

Tailored Solutions

We craft bespoke strategies that address your unique challenges and objectives, ensuring each solution is precisely aligned with your specific business needs, industry context, and long-term goals.

Cutting-Edge Innovation

We leverage the latest in AI and technology to keep you competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape.

AI Strategy

Enhance your business with AI technology solutions that provide valuable customer insights, streamline processes, and spark innovation across your operations, all while keeping the authentic human touch.

Operations Optimization

Boost efficiency and cut costs by refining your processes. We blend traditional business insights with AI analytics to enhance performance, streamline workflows, and create a more agile operational framework.

Our tailored approach identifies key improvement areas, driving sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

Marketing Mastery

Elevate your brand with targeted strategies that blend creativity and smart AI data use. We help you connect with customers more effectively, increasing engagement and sales.

Growth Acceleration

Fuel rapid expansion with our innovative growth techniques, leveraging big data and predictive modeling to identify and capitalize on emerging market opportunities tailored to your specific targets.

TIFF is the Perfect Fit to MAXIMIZE Business Potential

Like two puzzle pieces seamlessly joining, we align perfectly with your business needs. By partnering with us, you’re not just filling a gap – you are completing the picture of your company’s future.

Contact Us

Ready to see how we fit into your business puzzle?
Contact TIFF CEO Tiffany Joy Basse today
to unlock your full potential and create a
masterpiece of success together.

Email us at info@tiff.com